This Spotlight is one of a series of Spotlights to support the Institute’s ‘Coaching Conversations’, an accredited Institute of Leadership and Management product that recognises coaching both as an invaluable tool for any leader or manager, and for developing your ability to support your colleagues in the workplace or those you may meet in a voluntary capacity.
This Spotlight provides a transcription of ‘Demonstration of the Inner Game’ (1.12 – 5:13): the coach explores the concept of Performance is equal to Potential minus Interference (Gallwey, 2000) and invites the team member to explore with him the interference that might prevent him achieving his goal. The goal is for him to talk to his friend and colleague to clarify boundaries between them and their different relationships. The team member becomes demonstrably more open and expressive as mutual respect and trust is developed during the session.
Download Coaching Spotlight: Open Conversations PDF
Gallwey, W., T., (2000). The Inner Game of Work New York: Random House.
Inam, H., (2017). Ten Ways Great Coaches Overcome Resistance To Change, hennainam/2017/02/19/ten-ways-great-coaches-overcome-resistance-to-change/#7e53e0466a46
TPC Leadership UK, (2020). Demonstration of the Inner Game by The Performance Coach,
The Institute of Leadership & Management, (2019). Coaching Essentials: Building Rapport