Our flagship e-learning tool - MyLeadership
Be challenged, learn, get recognised
MyLeadership is an online learning experience made up of 3 distinct parts – MyLeadership Development, MyLeadership Profile and MyLeadership Opportunities.
Together they form a powerful combination, helping you appreciate how you already demonstrate leadership, identify your knowledge gaps, and gain recognition of what you have learned.
Included with Membership
Discover MyLeadership

Dimensions of Leadership Resources
Push your knowledge further
The Dimensions of Leadership is a unique learning resource which is based on our extensive research into the knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviours and values of successful leaders.
We have identified 49 components of leadership, grouped into 5 Dimensions. Each component has three Spotlights that delve deeper into key topics, giving you knowledge and skills to become a better leader.
Leadership Essential resources are free for everyone to access. Spotlight resources are included with membership
Explore the dimensions of leadership

Embed your understanding
We have prepared a series of worksheets, not only to assist with embedding new knowledge but also to aid the process of reflection. Each Worksheet has an accompanying Spotlight resource which highlights the points to remember and the issues to think about.
Included with Membership
Check out our worksheets

Free Webinars
Get involved and learn
Join us for our live, FREE 30-minute leadership webinars exploring key leadership topics.
Alternatively, catch up on previous leadership webinars OR join us at our dynamic and topical leadership events.
Free for everyone to access
View our online events

EDGE Online - Leadership Journal
Keep informed of current research and best practice
View the latest and previous editions of our quarterly leadership journal, EDGE. Packed full of insights, the latest research and guest contributors.
Included with Membership
Read EDGE Journal

Leadership Challenges
Supporting your workplace issues
Leadership is frequently challenging. Our members often share these challenges with us and we are building up a series of responses to the types of challenge our members ask us about. These responses offer immediate insight and some more detailed resources.
Free for everyone to access
Explore leadership challenges