A message from John Mark Williams (CEO) and Emrys Green (Chair of the Board)

We know that great leadership can happen anywhere… 

We are proud of the work that our members and Fellows do to promote leadership skills and develop future leaders. To support that activity, The Institute of Leadership is launching a new funding scheme to provide Leadership Project Grants. 

The Leadership Grant is designed to fund projects that support The Institute’s mission of ‘inspiring great leadership everywhere’. Professional Associates, Members, Fellows and Companions are invited to apply for grants of up to £5,000, in collaboration with charities and not-for-profit organisations to enable projects and events that will promote and enhance the development of leadership skills.  

The grant is intended to help innovative and creative projects that share leadership skills in new ways and with new groups of people. Applications will need to demonstrate that the project will have a direct impact on a not-for-profit organisation, or on a group of stakeholders.  For example, you might want to run a conference for young leaders in a youth organisation, or you might want to invite an inspiring speaker to an event run by a charity. You might want to work on a collaborative research project on equality and inclusion in your sector, or develop a new training resource. There will be many more possible activities that will be eligible for support.  

The application form will ask applicants to outline the nature of the project, and explain who will benefit from it. A schedule of activities, events and outputs will be required. Funding can be sought for direct project costs, which may include a contribution towards staff time required to facilitate the project.  

Award holders will be expected to report on the progress of the project at six months, and again at the completion of the project, which should be within 18 months of the award. A financial report will also be required. We hope to be able to share stories of successful projects across The Institute’s digital and media outlets. 

On behalf of The Institute, we thank you for your interest in applying for the grant fund and hope you will continue to inspire great leadership everywhere. 


Application criteria

Applications are only open to Associates, Members, Fellows, or Companions of The Institute. 

Projects will be assessed based on how well they meet the charitable objectives of The Institute of Leadership, and how well they demonstrate and promote our values.  

There are three criteria that successful projects will need to meet: 

1.  The charitable objectives of The Institute of Leadership are:
  • The promotion and development of the science of leadership and management
  • The advancement of education involving the study of the skills of leadership and management
2. The values of The Institute of Leadership are:
  • Authenticity - We behave with integrity and stay true to our values. We inspire trust by acting ethically and by challenging others to do so. 
  • Vision - We look ahead, take risks, and innovate. We are courageous and ready to face the future. 
  • Achievement - We are clear about our purpose and targets. We stretch ourselves and others. We are adaptable and work for long-term impact. 
  • Ownership - We are responsible, use our initiative, are decisive, abstain from blame, critically reflect on our roles and are always learning. 
  • Collaboration - We seek to work effectively with others and to be easy to work with. We are socially sensitive and embrace differences. 
3. Projects should be new, innovative activities, based in a UK not-for-profit organisation, which will have a demonstrable impact on stakeholders within 18 months.



Applications are now closed. Should you have any queries, please contact us at [email protected].