Making learning stickier: The science behind how humans remember and also forget

"Do you take time communicating to your team, but find important information gets forgotten? There are tools you can use to make your learning stick. 
The session uses the science behind how humans remember - and why we forget - to identify how we can maximise the chance for learning to take place and avoid the pitfalls that lead to forgetting. 
This is a not-to-be missed webinar for leaders and managers who want to ensure key messages are remembered."



Mark Burns

Mark Burns


Over the last ten years, Mark Burns has developed a proven track record in improving teaching and leadership in education. He’s co-authored two best-selling books in this field.  More recently, he has worked with FTSE100 retailer and third sector organisations, to develop the quality and impact of their learning and development programmes.  Through his work, he has developed a deep understanding of learning design and how to overcome the barriers to learning in organisations.