Over 50s are seen as loyal, skilled and knowledgeable members of the workforce – but they aren’t viewed by their colleagues and managers as the ‘organisational stars’ of the future, and they are perceived as having little potential for further progression or development in their organisations.

Report findings

  • Over 50s have vital knowledge and talent
  • Over 50s aren’t seen to have the potential to progress
  • Multi-generational teams are the new normal
  • Different generations are perceptived as having different skills
  • Generation X appear to be the most critical of all groups – including their own


While older managers are largely respected and valued in their organisations, there are still common misconceptions concerning skills and attributes. Dispelling these generational myths is an important first step to capitalising on and developing older talent.

  • Recognise the benefits of an age diverse workforce
  • Give ‘experience’ a name
  • Everyone can keep learning
  • Use coaching to support experienced workers
  • Don’t lose the experience – create a network of alumni