Leadership Essentials: Coaching

Coaching is a relational activity to help and support individuals to learn and develop, leading to enhanced performance and desirable results aligned to specified objectives and goals. Leaders who coach their staff appropriately, individually or in teams, report effective results. It can be more time consuming in the short term than other methods of training, improving or developing your staff, or helping them deal with stress and change, but coaching pays dividends overall. It is acknowledged as one of the best ways to get improved performance from staff.

‘Leadership Essentials: Coaching’ provides an overview of why coaching is essential for leadership capability and includes ‘Top Tips’ on how coaching can help you become a better leader.

The Essentials leaflet is supported by three Spotlights that look at coaching in more detail to help you improve your leadership skills:

  • What is Coaching?
  • The Coaching Context
  • Coaching Skills and Techniques


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