The Royal British Legion.
Legion is Institute Approved.

The Institute has joined forces with the country’s largest Armed Forces charity, The Royal British Legion. The charity, which provides lifelong support to serving and ex-serving personnel and their families, has independently verified its leadership programme via ‘Institute Approved’.
The approach
The 12-month Institute Approved programme, which began in May 2019, provides leadership development to 72 leaders throughout the organisation at junior, middle and senior manager levels.
Institute Approved enhances the learning outcomes of the organisation’s existing leadership programme, which incorporates structured learning, but also learning by doing. Action learning, individual reflexivity and workshops are built in to the programme, which also offers access to an extensive library of the latest thought leadership.
The results
Martin Isaacs, learning and organisational development partner at The Royal British Legion, explained why it views developing its leaders as crucial: “There is no other organisation like The Royal British Legion and it’s essential we possess effective leadership at all levels to enable us to deliver to those we serve.
“Institute Approved, as a pathway to becoming a professional member of The Institute, is also a great incentive to our leaders. We intend to reward and recognise successful completion of the programme by providing a second year of membership to The Institute.”
He added: “Leadership in the Royal British Legion is not about title or position, but about leadership at every level, by everyone. Institute Approved provides a kite-mark of quality for a programme that will embed this philosophy at every level of our organisation.”
Solutions deployed.
Institute Approved - our programme accreditation scheme.