Institute Approved Application form

Details of person making the application

Details of your organisation
Please provide an overview of the learning programme to be approved by The Institute of Leadership & Management

If you have a second learning programme you want us to approve, please provide details here.

Please provide details of how the participants on the programme are selected

Please indicate how are you paying for your application

If paying by invoice please provide billing info below:


Explain how the learning programme(s) meets the following criteria; 

  • Learning aims are clearly stated

  • The learning supports improved leadership practice
  • The learning includes an element of self-awareness and reflection
  • Consideration is given to learner inclusivity and accessibility to support the learning needs of diverse groups
  • Reference to models, theories and explanations are current, relevant and reflect The Institute of Leadership & Management's values: Authenticity, Vision, Achievement, Ownership and Collaboration
  • Collaborative learning is encouraged
  • The level of facilitation provided and the extent to which the development is self-directed are clearly stated
  • All modules are delivered in multiple formats and methods to aid all types of learners

Attach information to demonstrate that the learning programme meets the criteria: this will normally be the documentation provided to participants of the learning. 
If you have any trouble uploading your files please email us on [email protected]

Provide details of how, and where, you will use Institute Approved status

If you have any additional information to support your application, please add it below

Please confirm you have read our Terms and Conditions 
Once you submit your application, we will be in touch to arrange payment, which will be required prior to assessment.
We will respond to your application within 14 working days of receipt of payment.
If you have any queries please contact us via [email protected] or 01543 266886.