Invest in the best to ensure your success.

Having responsibility for L&D within an organisation is not easy: individuals are at different stages of development and have different needs.  Your role is to ensure all employees are happy, confident and fulfilled, so retention is high and critical skills are not lost.
We understand this, and have therefore developed a range of blended learning tools and resources which can be adapted to individual requirements but also fulfill the organisations L&D objectives. We overlay this with our experience and expertise to guide you on how to best achieve your overall leadership objectives.
So, give them the leadership skills to develop their management style, and watch your business excel.


Our Solutions

Customised Leadership Pathways

Unlock their potential with  MyLeadership, an e-learning tool tailored to suit your teams’ skills requirements, wherever they are on their leadership journey. 
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Institute Approved - meet our standard

Add credibility and recognition to your leadership learning programmes by achieving Institute Approved. Provide a kite-mark of quality for your leadership development programmes.
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Corporate membership

Invest in your people, nurture in-house talent, and foster continuous growth, through better leadership.




Want to know more?

We add expertise and advice to deliver the optimal solution for you.

Call us on +44 (0)1543 266886 or complete the form below.





What our customers say.

I have found the learning resources on My Leadership incredibly useful both on a personal level and for my team. It adds other dimensions to learning in an engaging and easy to use way.

- Sharon Mott MIoL, University of South Wales

The institute offers a great deal of variety for all levels from starting out on the journey to more senior roles.

- 2019 Member Survey response

MyLeadership has inspired me to become a better leader! The tools and resources available enabled me to easily identify my knowledge and skill gaps. I was then able to work on improving these around my busy schedule, at a time that was convenient for me.

- Claire Tindale, Durham University

Being a member of The Institute of Leadership means much more to me than a certificate and post-nominal letters, although those are helpful indicators to clients that I am investing in knowledge and skills that will benefit them. I am a better leader for my membership, and a more reflective practitioner.

- Cathi Shovlin FIoL, Founder, Human Revolutions

The personal development resources are incredible and provide support across whole range of management and individual issues.

- 2019 Member Survey responder

There are lots of questions on Myleadership that make you think, but they were very engaging and I was pleasantly surprised at how many I could answer straight off.

- Philip Tweedie

The 'Institute Approved' status on our Challenge Leader Programme, and the additional online components, has provided an indispensable professionalism to our leaders and enabled them to thrive in their roles.

- Felix Bailey (Choose a Challenge)

Leadership to me is being curious about possibilities. The Institute website has really opened my leadership to new learning by exploring new thinking and skills. I would encourage all leaders to engage their teams in the programmes on offer through The Institute of Leadership.

- Steve Playford FIoL, Leadership and Wellbeing Consultant

The ability to compare your own profile and results against those of others in your sector is really helpful, not only to countermand Imposter Syndrome for someone new in post, but also to celebrate your own strengths and identify your own leadership style

- Hilary Goldsmith, Raystede Centre for Animal Welfare

The Insititute is really helpful in guiding me on issues experienced daily, by providing background, reasoning and tips to more effective leadership.

- 2019 Member Survey responder