Roxanne Allen MInstLM.
Talent Development Manager.

What do you do now?
A Talent Development Manager in the Games Industry. My role enables me to be both strategic and creative across the business, partnering with our Leadership Team and Head of Department community to solve challenges to improve performance.
Where did your career start?
I began as an apprentice for my Local Authority at 18, landing a ‘fully fledged’ role part-way through my NVQ in the Workforce Development Unit. It was here that I began to discover my passion for life-long learning and supporting people to progress in their careers.
What obstacles or challenges have you experienced on your leadership journey?
Early in my career, my health began to deteriorate, resulting in imposter syndrome. Being a black disabled woman, there have been many challenges around my identity that fed into this, particularly as I have mostly worked in industries that are considered less diverse in STEM. I share my experience to help educate others.
Has there been a stage in your life where you first appreciated what great leadership looked like?
I was fortunate to have some really inspiring leadership role models in my high school teachers, including an incredible Head of year, Mr Frankish. He operated with care, clarity and fairness. He encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and face challenges head on, giving me the opportunity to address and educate my entire year group at 15 when a derogatory word was scrawled on my locker.
Do you have any examples of what you have done to develop yourself as a leader?
I achieved the ILM Level 5 Leadership and Management qualification and now working through the MyLeadership framework, having met 47 of the 49 leadership standards, alongside studying Level 7 Strategic Leadership. I signed-up to the MyMentoring scheme, where I have been assigned a Fellow Mentor. I've been a School Governor since 2020 to give back to my community, and I’ve also been working with a Leadership Coach for the past 6 months.
How do you think Leadership has benefitted you?
I have regained and further grown my confidence, have higher levels of credibility with peers & stakeholders and developed leadership in others.