Rob Phayre FIoL.
Security and Crisis Manager - East & Central Africa, Shell

What do you do now?
I live and work in Africa as a security and crisis manager for one of the global energy companies.
Where did your career start?
In the British Army, as a young officer and a helicopter pilot. I spent seven years serving and can safely say that a military flying career is a challenging, exciting, and brilliant development opportunity for any young person today.
Has there been a stage in your life where you first appreciated what great leadership looked like?
It’s a great question. My first reaction was actually how one of my first leaders, in the Army, completely switched me off my career - the very first time I met him. He was a Colonel, and I had just joined after two years of training at Sandhurst and the Army flying school. I won’t say why but he should have known better how to lead and inspire. I actually found my best leader quite recently. A leader who was really good at answering complex ‘why’ questions. One who could clearly communicate his vision and our teams purpose, and thus gave us complete autonomy to perform.
Do you have any examples of what you have done to develop yourself as a leader?
I am always learning. It could be at work or it could be listening to great audiobooks, podcasts and TED talks. I recently completed a great LinkedIn learning course after a slow start to the year. “Executive Leadership by John Ullmen” is worth looking up. He used a really good analogy. The conductor of an orchestra before a performance is guiding and coaching the musicians who are all experts at their own instrument, so that as a team they can excel. During a performance though, the conductor doesn’t make a sound. The conductor trusts the orchestra members to do their jobs, the conductor is there at the front and provides visible leadership, inspiring the musicians to make beautiful music.
How do you think Leadership has benefitted you?
I have had roles where I have been a subject matter expert and I have had executive roles. I am by far happiest when in leadership roles. I enjoy working at the strategic level, helping guide the organisation. Setting direction and challenging rather than following dogmatically! For me, when in a leadership role, I am thriving, I am enjoying it and I am happy!