Naomi Coleman MIoL.
Head of Quality & Performance at VINCI Facilities.

What do you do now?
I am Head of Quality & Performance in a leading facilities management organization. I engage with people at every level across our business, our clients and suppliers. My role is a perfect blend of behavioural and leadership development, change management, engagement and continuous improvement.
Where did your career start?
I applied for a Helpdesk Manager job at 23yrs old. It was a job that hadn’t advertised salary or specifics. I looked up at my 6ft 4in interviewer and made sure my handshake equaled the force of his. My interviewer, later, Manager, told me later that he knew the job would be mine based on that handshake! The role was working in an FM company that later saw me progress to managing and mobilising educational estates across the UK.
Has there been a stage in your life where you first appreciated what great leadership looked like?
In that first role, my manager and I transferred whole school teams and communities into new premises, new ways of working, with new systems and processes. We transferred large ancillary teams who had worked for the Local Authority for decades. I will never forget how my manager took the time to welcome our new team members, to listen to their concerns and questions with patience and a genuine desire to create a safe, equal and developmental environment for all. Together, we built trusted relationships with people who I am still friends with today.
Do you have any examples of what you have done to develop yourself as a leader?
In 2017, I returned to work after having my youngest child and decided to do broaden my horizons and challenge my capabilities and knowledge. My current employer supported me without question to undertake an Executive MBA. I have never looked back and I will always be grateful for that support.
How do you think Leadership has benefitted you?
Taking all that I had learnt and lived in leadership and change management, I pioneered a leadership behavioural change programme, now industry accredited and being launched to every employee in the organisation. Leadership has benefitted me by giving me the confidence, tools and capabilities to make such a significant impact to people and the business.
I take leadership seriously. It comes with responsibility to develop others and influence a positive impact on people and culture.
What obstacles or challenges have you experienced on your leadership journey?
My entire career has been ingrained in a male-dominant environment which has proved challenging at times for someone with equality as a core value. There were times when I felt progress had been restricted and I used to battle with my confidence and the guilt of wanting a career as a single parent, however, it is these challenges that have also provided me with extra determination to achieve.