Member Exclusive Event

Business Networking: 7 Steps to Success!

“Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities.” Michele Jennae. 
In this highly engaging webinar, hosted by professional Communication Coach & Facilitator Fiona Duncan Steer, you will be introduced to not only the concept of networking but useful tools and techniques to assist in your networking journeys in 2022 and beyond.  
Networking isn't just for those who are interested in business opportunities, it is for all who look to seek advice, experience, and much more. Networking happens all the time; online, at a professional event, and in your day-to-day life you never know the power of a connection, and when it’s done right, you can open yourself up to countless opportunities.  

So, join us online, as Fiona helps you understand networking etiquette building your confidence in communicating.

Attendees also get a free copy of Fiona’s e-book- ‘Business networking: 7 steps to success'.
Please note  This event is available to members only - If you are not a member, you can join here.

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Business Networking - 7 Steps to Success!

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Fiona Duncan-Steer

Fiona Duncan-Steer

Founder - RSViP

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