Together, we deliver events in health leadership...
The purpose of this network is for global collaboration and to address shared challenges by healthcare leaders around the globe. The events will be engaging, interactive sessions, with an opportunity for participants to be involved in discussions looking at a chosen theme from different national perspectives globally.
About WHL Net.
This network has been created to function as a communication and collaboration platform with a mutual support network for health partners from around the globe. WHLNet partners come together, primarily through the virtual medium, to share and exchange challenges and ideas and collaborate on advancing the discipline of health leadership, for the purpose of engaging meaningfully with leaders from other sectors, with the goal of improving the quality of leadership practice worldwide.
The Network provides an opportunity to level the playing field across developed and developing countries in terms of access to knowledge and experience, to address shared problems through a network of support that can collaborate and bring diversity of thought and experience to the situation. It also provides an opportunity to help colleagues by identifying, sharing and celebrating successes in one jurisdiction that may be translatable to others.

Graham Dickson
Professor Emeritus of Leadership Studies at Royal Roads University in Canada. CEO of LEADS Global and Author
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Bill Tholl
Senior Policy Advisor and Associate Professor (P/T), Executive Consultant and Author
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Neil Grunberg
Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Uniformed Services University
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Dr. Debashis Basu
Academic and Clinical Head of Public Health Medicine, Steve Biko Academic Hospital and University of Pretoria
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John Mark Williams FIoL
CEO, The Institute of Leadership
Who is The Institute of Leadership?
We are a professional body that helps unlock individual and business potential.
The Institute of Leadership is the professional membership body for an active, international community of over 50,000 leaders, managers, coaches and mentors – but we are much more than a professional body. We create world–class tools, deliver award–winning e–learning and undertake practical research to help unlock individual leadership potential.
We are a registered charity governed by a board of trustees. The Institute of Leadership was founded in 1947 and reclaimed its independent status as a professional body in 2016. This independence has enabled The Institute to become closer to its members and better support their leadership development to campaign more effectively for great leadership everywhere.
Get £20 off membership.
Sign up for professional membership (Associate, Member & Fellow grade) and get a £20 discount off full price (full price from £150 per annum). This is an exclusive offer for WHLNet members only. Please don't share the code, as sign up's will be monitored.
Next event, To be confirmed
Previous events.
Why climate change really matters in healthcare
30th May 2024

Richard Smith
Trustee for the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change
Chair of the Point of Care Foundation and Patients Know Best

Rich Withnall
Chief Executive
Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (FMLM)
Useful documents and links
Climate Change with Professor Hugh Montgomery
Learn more about the UK Health Alliance
Learn more about FMLM
Zooming in and Zooming out
4th April 2024

Deanne Taylor PhD
Corporate Director Research
Interior Health (Canada)

Dr. Carsten Engel
ISQua (Denmark)

Dr. Anurag Saxena
Assistant Dean and LEADS Global Facilitator
Graduate Programs, College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Optimising Leadership and followership on healthcare teams.
8th February 2024
Leading from the Future - reflections from the front.
7th December 2023

John Mark Williams FIoL
The Institute of Leadership

Dr. Peter Lachman
Lead Faculty Quality Improvement

Dr. Glenn Curtin
Senior House Officer, Medical Education & Training Fellow
Beaumont Hospital

Dr. John Campion
Gastroenterology Clinical Research Fellow, Mater Misericordiae
University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland