Thank you for your interest in applying for a leadership grant. 

Please complete the following application form, before midnight on the 24th November 2023.


Section 1 - Your contact details
Section 2 - The organisation benefitting
Section 3 - Your project
Project description

Projects should be a new, innovative activity, based in a UK not-for-profit organisation.

Please describe your project, indicating how it helps to achieve The Institute’s charitable objectives: The promotion and development of leadership and management OR the advancement of education involving the skills of leadership and management e.g.

  • What do you want to do?
  • How many people will directly benefit?
  • Where and when will the activity take place?
  • How will it be managed and evaluated?

Please select the most appropriate objective and respond in no more than 450 words. 

Grant spend

Please provide a breakdown of what the grant will be spent on and any additional funders/partners. 

Please respond in no more than 250 words. 

Demontrate The Institute's values

Please outline how your project demonstrates and promotes any of The Institute’s five values of: Authenticity, Vision , Achievement, Ownership, Collaboration 

Please respond in no more than 250 words. 

Data Protection Statement 
The Institute of Leadership is committed to data security and the fair and transparent processing of personal data in accordance with the applicable data protection laws in the United Kingdom, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information about how we treat your personal data, please refer to our privacy policy, which can be found at:

Declaration by applicant 
I declare that the statements made above are correct. I understand that the grand funds will go directly to the organisation that I have nominated, and that the funding will be rescinded if the information above is later found to be false or misleading. As a member of The Institute of Leadership, I agree that I will be governed by The Institute’s Code of Conduct and regulations.